Gorging on McHuggetts

Continuing my latest fascination, Here Come the Huggetts with Petula Clark. The dialogue is filled with clever throwaway lines that are easily missed, making a second viewing very worthwhile.

Pet gets a singing spot that lasts only a minute.

Playing a distant Huggett cousin “on the mother’s side,” 16-year-old Diana Dors also had a minute to show off what she could do.

Everyone shines in the movie, but if anyone’s character is underplayed it’s Susan Shaw as the middle Huggett sister. Shaw was such a stunning beauty that she didn’t need much screen time to make a big impression.

Follow-up: I thought that MGM owned Here Come the Huggetts, and maybe it does, but the Internet Archive has the complete film. It has a DogRat ***** rating!

2 thoughts on “Gorging on McHuggetts”

  1. This is perfect! I’m flat on my back with a kidney infection/mild PID. I came home from the ER this mot, high on morphine, and saw this. Lots of fun! It got me through til the IV antibiotics finally kicked in. Diana Dors vaguely reminds me of a very young Angela Lansbury. Pet is a delight!

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