Isn’t That Special, and That Other Special Too

On February 16 I received a message from the non-controversial Joe Pera, promoting his upcoming tour.

Joe Pera

Besides being Black History Month, is February also Comedian Month? Because yesterday this message popped up from the controversial Louis C.K. Hmm… “popped up” may not be the right expression to associate with Louis.

Hello. You are in the Boston area. Yes you are. Don’t lie. Anyway I’m writing you all of a sudden because I made an infomercial. It’s really fucking stupid and silly but I think it’s fun to watch and I believe it will make you laugh.  It’s going to air in Boston TONIGHT in one hour! (Haha sorry) at 2:05 AM on WFXT which is an independent station and then again at 2:35. It’s channel 25 and 34 digital, whatever that means, I’m sure you can find it on cable somewhere.

Anyway it’ll be on a few times during the week in different spots but this is the first airing so I thought you might like to tune in if you are awake at that hour or set your DVR for 2:05-2:35 AM.

That’s all. Have a good weekend!

Louis CK

Also I am not in Ukraine. My flight was canceled because no one can fly there now.

Was Louis really supposed to be in the Ukraine right now? Yeah, he was.

Louis called WFXT an independent station, but it isn’t, it’s a Fox affiliate. A late night infomercial on broadcast TV? Seems an unlikely place to find a new audience, so I was curious and recorded it. The commercial is also airing in L.A., Philadelphia, and Dallas. As expected it’s a parody of infomercials while also serving as a sales pitch. Here’s the first minute of the thing.

At the end of the video is one of the milder surreal cuts. Some of the others are more typical of Sarah Silverman’s dark sense of humor.

Louis CK Infomercial 2
QR Code removed for your safety and security. If you want to enter the address for the web site that’s between you and Louis.

So I’m not surprised that Louis’ old friend in comedy, Sarah Silverman, would make an appearance. Wait. That’s not Silverman, it’s Sarah PALIN!

Louis CK Infomercial

But wait, for only $5 more you also get last year’s comedy special!

Louis CK Infomercial

Louis C.K. and Al Franken paid a heavy price for their offenses when #MeToo hit with fevered momentum. Some of the more radical elements within the movement seemed to conflate the abuses of Louis and Al with the crimes of Jeffrey Epstein and Harvey Weinstein. While Evangelical Christians, in a rare showing of forgiveness, didn’t condemn Trump for his obvious offenses.