Colbert Rises From Database Ashes

Ah, yes. I had posted the complete video of Stephen Colbert roasting George Bush at the 2006 White House Correspondents Dinner. Don’t want this one to languish, because of the database snafu…
[flv: 400 300]

…and I liked Colbert’s cognitive leap that associated Bush’s assurances about Iraq to Charlie Brown being lied to year after year by Lucy about pulling away the football …
[flv: 400 300]


Colbert The Bodice Ripper

[flv: 400 300]© Comedy Central

I won’t wait for Comedy Central to post this one. Stephen Colbert points out that in the up and down world of romance novels, publisher Harlequin is struggling for a new image. And he has a few suggestions.

Meg, allegedly an intern, is featured in this segment. She was seen previously handing Stephen the shield that was bequeathed to him by Captain America. As you can see in this video, the shield is now hanging proudly on Colbert’s Wall of Fame.