Don’t Miss “Good Ol’ Charles Schulz”

AMERICAN MASTERS “Good Ol’ Charles Schulz”
Monday, October 29, 2007
9:00-10:30 p.m. ET

David Van Taylor, the director of the upcoming, highly-anticipated American Masters documentary Good Ol’ Charles Schulz has written with a couple of corrections for an earlier post.

I’m the director of the documentary. Just wanted to say that “Johnson” is Donna’s maiden name; “Wold” is her married name. Al Wold is alive and well. Our interview with her is a critical part of the film. Hope you all can watch.

Saying that “Johnson” is Donna Wold’s “married” name instead of “maiden” was a typo. My bad. But I had read some time back that her husband, Al, had passed away. Bad information, obviously. I should have double-checked that before repeating the erroneous information, especially if I couldn’t find confirmation. My apologies.

I may be just a guy who blogs, but a long time ago I was a news reporter, so I know better. My thanks to Mr. Van Taylor for the corrections, and thank you for the tip-off about the interview with Donna. I’m glad that Al is so understanding about her critical role in the genesis of Peanuts.

3 thoughts on “Don’t Miss “Good Ol’ Charles Schulz””

  1. And thank you, Mr. Van Taylor, for visiting my twin bro’s website! Time to get out the check book. It’s high time I gave to PBS. There’s no excuse anymore. Yes, “The History Channel”, “National Geographic” and “Discover” can be good, but even they get into their silly realty stuff, like house and body makeovers. Enough! PBS still rules!

  2. Naturally, it’s timed for the yearly showing of “It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown!”

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