Oui Tintin!

[flv:http://s3.amazonaws.com/dogratcom/Video/2011/Oct/Tintin.flv 400 250]

It’s been announced that Steven Spielberg will produce a series of Tintin movies. Tintin, if you don’t know, is a hugely popular and influential cartoon character from Belgium, created by the late Georges Remi, who worked under the pen name of Hergé.

An excellent documentary about Hergé, Tintin and I, was on PBS last year. The video player above has the first few minutes.

One thought on “Oui Tintin!”

  1. Merviellieux! Ah,, je le reviens. J’ai lit l’aventures de Tintin et puis Asterix pendant la classe de francasie avec Madam Skinger (ABRHS). J’aime mieux Tintin.

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