5 thoughts on “How To Win At Football”

  1. “Drop-Kick Me, Jesus”…Now that brings to mind this one:

    “I don’t care if it rains or freezes,
    ‘Long as I got my plastic Jesus,
    Ridin’ on the dashboard of my car.
    I can go a hundred miles an hour,
    ‘Long as I got the Almighty Power,
    Glued up there by my pair of fuzzy dice.”

    Does anyone remember that? Don Imus used to recite it, a long, long time ago. Around the time he used to do his Reverend Billy Sol Hargas comedy character. Boy, Imus had those old timey religious preachers NAILED, (oh my! no pun intended!) long before the downfalls of Jimmy Swaggart and Jim Baker. The comedic satire was biting, unrelenting, and superb!!!

    But seriously, folks…In this great Superbowl of Life, I don’t think God cares WHO wins, but I happen to believe He cares a great deal about HOW our “games” are played.

    Beyond sports, – Take governments: I really don’t think God cares whether we live in a democracy, under a monarchy, or with a form of socialism like in Scandinavian countries. I believe He’s a lot more concerned with HOW government leaders treat their people, and how kindly and humanely people treat each other. Although, there seem to be a number of American politicians who talk as if God only takes the side of democracy. Oh, and of course ALWAYS on the side of the U.S.A., no matter what our foreign or domestic policies are.

    And, I also think God cares about whether we bother to pay attention and listen to Him or not! Does anyone recall THESE funny (and very insightful) lyrics? – –

    “Nobody wants to play rhythm guitar behind Jesus.
    Everybody wants to be the lead singer in the band.”

    Funny, right? But also, how true!!! Didja ever wonder, Bunky, if God gets tired of listenin’ to us treatin’ Him like Santa Claus, just blabbin’ on and on about what WE want, makin’ deals and promises of what we’ll “do” forever (well, actually, maybe once, or for a little while), if He’ll “just do this one thing” for us, and we’ll “never ask for anything more, ever again”? (“Yeah, right!!)

    If it ain’t easy bein’ green (Kermit), it sure must not be easy bein’ God!

    Ever hear this one?
    “Don’t make Me come down there.” — God

    I also think that, fortunately, God has a LOT of patience!

  2. Wait! I have a title for this painting: “Jesus, Drop-Kick Me Through the Goal-Posts of Life!” I think Dad told me that was the actual title of a country music song.

  3. MY favorite is Jesus with the lithe little female gymnasts! EEK! Stephen Colbert would have a field day with this stuff!

  4. Well, the owner of the Colts and the Head Coach BOTH said that they had The Lord to thank for their Victory. At this stage, something like that shouldn’t bother me, but I guess it does. Forget the poor and the sick, forget those who are troubled and suffering. The Lord was watching the Super Bowl on Sunday and rooting for the Colts.

    Hey, it was 6:30 EST, most of the worshipping across the country was done. Why shouldn’t The Lord sit back, relax and have some fun? Maybe guide those passes into the hands of the Colts, and maybe help open up a few lanes for the running backs. Just for fun, maybe push one of Adam Vinateri’s field goals a bit to the left, so it misses. Kind of even things up a bit. Give them a little test. I assume that the Colts prayed harder than the Bears before the game.

    I do like these statues, though. The one where the kid is tackling Jesus is kind of special. Jesus is also battling for the ball with those little kids playing soccer, and it looks like he’s going to score. The best one, though, on another page, is Jesus on skates, playing hockey, skating past two hapless kids. Is he teaching them a lesson? Plus – No helmet, no pads or face guard for Him!

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