More Netflix Instant Watching


Netflix is rating my connection speed as being merely “Basic.” HA! I don’t think so. I have FiOS, the fastest residential connection there is. If there’s a throughput problem, it’s not with the last mile!

After repeated re-testing, I managed to get a “Good” rating and confirmed that the image is much better. The jaggies are less flagrant, but there’s still a lot of color banding.

Angry Red Planet

In my viewing test I still haven’t moved on beyond Mars, that angry red planet. The script offers seemingly endless lessons on life and, yes, love. How do I compare thee? I compare thee to my dog …


The distinctive male voice belonged to Gerald Mohr. A radio actor for many years, he switched to TV in the 50’s. Mohr was the voice of Reed Richards in the 1967 Fantastic Four cartoon series.

2 thoughts on “More Netflix Instant Watching”

  1. Huh? I don’t think of this as a plug for Netflix. I’m reporting, YOU decide! What’s interesting is this is pointing in the direction that the world is heading.

  2. I think maybe we’re getting a not-so-subtle Netflix plug. Still, this is certainlyfar more enjoyable that their TV and internet commercials, with the movie “characters” all being sent out for the weekend: “Yeah, even you, romantic comedy, let’s get going!”

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