Yvonne Craig’s List

Morena Baccarin from Firefly/Serenity was a no-show at this weekend’s Super Megafest in Framingham, MA. Either a “prior commitment” situation or, as my friend Bill speculated, the promoters didn’t have the cash to pay her fee and plane fare.

But lovely Yvonne Craig is there! I missed her last Boston appearance, and I’m happy to report that, as expected, she’s a real sweetheart. That’s Yvonne in one of the two movies she made with Elvis. I had her autograph that picture for my buddy Dennis, who couldn’t attend the convention due to a prior commitment.

Eric was happy to get Billy Dee Williams’ autograph. The admission price is good for both days, so we’ll go back tomorrow. Heck, it’s only seven miles from home.

2 thoughts on “Yvonne Craig’s List”

  1. Wasn’t she also one of three (beside Lee Merryweather and Earth Kitt) who played “Catwoman” on the early TV “Batman.” And remember how Batman was shown TWICE A WEEK? Sort of the first TV miniseries, in a way.

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