Ankle’s Away

This didn’t scan well, but it’s one of many MRI views I have of my right ankle. I have a running injury, my first in 33 years of pounding the pavement. Frankly, I started blogging because I couldn’t go running every evening, as was my habit for many years.

Initially I was told it was tendonitis, and I went through six weeks of physical therapy. It still hurt, so a second doctor ordered the MRI. He said it looked fine. But the truth is, it isn’t fine, it still hurts, I can’t run on it, and it isn’t getting better.

Friday afternoon I’m taking the MRI films to a podiatrist surgeon who comes highly recommended. If I’m going to run the Boston Marathon, the week between Christmas and New Year’s I must start 16 weeks of hard training. I need to know if I can do it. Indeed, I need to know if I’ll ever run again.

8 thoughts on “Ankle’s Away”

  1. I actually see Darth Vader’s mask, after taking a serious hit to the left eye. What does it mean? Will SW fans and amateur Stormtropers now consider this a shrine to their fallen leader? Does it mean that Doug will soon be more machine than man? Tune in tomorrow!

  2. I figured you were seeing a sports doc. Well, I’ll be praying for your bum ankle. I have chronic tendonitis in both shoulders, but that’s nothing to an ankle which you are constantly walking on. You can call ME “Head Job” (ooh, they isn’t an X-rated reference, is it? I think it means “nut case.”) because I am scheduled for nerve ablation around two of my cervical disks on Pearl Harbor Day. The chronic pain in my neck, which often triggers migraines, is so bad, that I finally gave in and decided to have this procedure done. The doctor has done thousands of these,and nobody has become paralyzed for life, so I’m not too worried.

  3. Actually, the MRI is of the alien space baby that was implanted in me during my last abduction. Tomorrow it will burst through the wall of my abdomen!

  4. Yes, I remember our sister Liz’s ankle woes, before and after the procedure. I’m seeing the team podiatrist for the Boston Celtics. Despite their current poor showing (1-6, I think), I assume he’ll be able to give me a definitive diagnosis and prognosis.

    Maybe he can explain why TENDONitis is sometimes spelled TENDINitis. Very confusing.

    I think I’ll call the next posting “Heel Heal”. The toughest part of blogging is coming up with the titles! The “anchor’s aweigh” play on words wasn’t too bad, I thought.

  5. My, my GOD, I think I see the face of … ELVIS! Just kidding! Liz (Gamber) can tell you how long it took her to get her injured ankle properly diagnosed and treated. They really did a botch job. Remember years ago when she was training to run in the DC Marathon? That pretty much ended her short-lived running career! The surgery was badly done and took way over a year to heal. I’ve had PT for chronic tendonitis in my right shoulder and it DOES help. Have you been to a doctor who specializes in sports medicine?

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