Candy, Candy


Here’s this year’s candy pile, atop my drawing table.  There’s a bag of Heath Bars in there, hidden from view.  That’s because I want them!  Tuesday night I’ll take an “after” picture.

Here’s some musical candy.  The Beau Hunks from Amsterdam performing Leroy Shield’s “Candy, Candy.”


There aren’t as many younger kids in the neighborhood as when we moved here 8 years ago, and traffic is light anyway, because we live on a dead end street — excuse me, a “not a thru way” street.  “Dead” is, apparently, a word the DPW is no longer allowed to use.


That framed picture on the table is of me hauling Eric in a backpack, on a Sunday hike a long time ago.  Now he’s almost as tall as I am!

4 thoughts on “Candy, Candy”

  1. She’s not a super stickler! Carol follows the American Dietetic Association guidelines, and anything that is obsessive about food is frowned upon.

    Bill Duffy will be stuck at work Halloween evening, so Eric will be taking Bill’s son Chris. Which requires him, of course, to be a Blues Brother. Wearing black and sunglasses at night. A winning Halloween combination — not! They’ll be wearing glow-stick necklaces.

  2. One more question: How many leftover does stickler nutrionist Carol let the boys in the house eat afterward? I assume Eric is too old to go trick or treating anymore? Or does he still go with the Braga boys?

  3. We don’t get any trick-or-treaters on Turkey Drive, as it’s a lonely dirt road. However, we have so many parades where the people on the floats throw candy at the kids! Molly cleaned up at the Lewistown Parade (in between helping me at her school’s bake sale, where I made a profit of $158), and again at the McVeytown Halloween Parade Saturday night. Trick-or-treating in McVeytown is tomorrow night, and this year Molly will be a gothic bride! For the last few years, we’ve been taking her “bounty” and doling it out. I temember Mrs. Glynn, our dear neighbor in Norwalk, did that to her kids, while we just stuffed ourselves sick. Molly has gained a LOT of weight recently, so now it gets confiscated, by ME! Can’t trust Tom the skinny eating machine. Actually, t or ting in McVeytown is a lot of fun. It’s a sweet little hamlet where you can hit nearly every house in about an hour’s time.

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