New York Radio — 2

Part 2 of the video documentary on New York City Rock and Roll radio is about station WINS after Alan Freed, the rise of “Murray the K” Kaufman, and the WMCA Good Guys comin’ on strong.
[flv: 400 300]

2 thoughts on “New York Radio — 2”

  1. I suspect those t-shirts were from a late-60’s promotion, after WMCA reclaimed the “Good Guys” slogan. They’d abandoned it, then, incredibly, WABC started using it!

  2. It’s eerie how CONTEMPORARY the WMCA “Good Guy” shirts look; they would fit right in with any t-shirt marketed in 2006! Naturally, I have no memory of WMCA; it wasl ALL about WABC when we were in Norwalk!

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