3 thoughts on “Truth in Comics”

  1. I hope it’s obvious that I pasted in “BUSH.” I had to do a lot of digital manipulation to move things around to make that one word fit!

    The panel came from a reprint book of HULK comic-books that Morris gave Eric. It was Eric who spotted the panel and insisted I figure out something to put it in the blog.

  2. HA! I just mentioned Billy in a e-mail to Dougie! Synchronicity! Doug doesn’t collect comics anymore, but his love of them has never died! WHERE did you GET this???? It is eerily prescient!

  3. As Billy Crystal said, “Don’t get me stahhh-tedd!!!!”

    I’ll restrain myself to only a very few remarks:

    Looking at the cartoon above, methinks: “Hmmmm…Why Colin Powell was banished from the Bush administration…There it is. Kill the messenger.”

    It will be interesting to see what historians have to say about W’s Presidency, 20 years from now. And we’ll all be around to hear it. Ummmmm….or, will any of us be around, other than cockroaches and grass?

    …And no glaciers left, eilther.

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