2 thoughts on “Chapter I. The Cyclone.

  1. I cleaned the records up with my Nitty Gritty machine. There was some gunk on one side that caused a skip. I got it out digitally (meaning with my finger), and I’m hoping to not find any skips that require a little cutting digitally (meaning with the computer).

  2. OMIGOD! It’s as if I was sitting on the right side of the big round table on the yellow shag rug in the living room. Norwalk, natch. However, we received this treasure for Christmas, 1963. I can still remember the big gray/blue box with four vinyl records and underneath, and insert with the book itself. How we six kids fought over whose turn it was to follow along in the book!

    This is eerie. It’s like this JUST HAPPENED! The memory of the SOUND of the record was completely shut off for all these years, and here it is again! AWESOME!

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